First DWI Offense

In Texas, a first DWI offense can result in a heavy fine, a possible loss of driver’s license, surcharges, probation or jail. These possible consequences apply even if you have never been charged with any offense before.

Penalties for driving under influence of alcohol for the First Time

The first DWI case is classified as a Class B misdemeanor and range of punishment for DWI Class B it is 3 days to 180 days in county jail and a fine of up to $ 2,000.

The jail time can be legalized. If probation for a conviction for DWI will be required to perform community service hours to a possible maximum of 200 hours is granted. In addition, you will have to attend a DWI education class, a Panel Victim Impact, make the monthly random urinalysis among other possible conditions and, possibly, the obligation to maintain an ignition interlock system in the car you drive.

Penalties are slow and expensive. An experienced Houston DWI lawyer can defend your rights and challenge the state at all times to protect your records.

Suspension of driver’s license and Consequences Surcharge

When you are arrested for DWI in Texas, you will be asked to provide a breath test. If you refuse to take the test, the driver’s license will be suspended for 180 days. If undergo the test and fail your license will be suspended for 90 days.

You have 15 days to request an administrative hearing to revoke the license to fight license suspension. An experienced DWI attorney can fight to save your license.

A conviction for driving while intoxicated will result in penalties imposed by the Department of Public Safety. If payment is not made, your license will be suspended.

The surcharge for committing this crime type for the first time is $ 1,000 to pay in 3 years for the Department of Public Safety.

If you are charged with DWI and have a BAC of 16 or more, the fee is $ 2,000 per year for 3 years.

These onerous sanctions are possible from $ 3,000 to $ 6,000 just to keep your license.

It is essential to fight these onerous consequences with someone who knows the judicial system and numerous DWI laws.